Practical Pleat 2" MERV 8
The Practical Pleat is a 5” high performance filter designed to replace inferior 1” filters. Its unique gasket fits into one-inch filter grilles with the excess depth of the filter protruding into the duct system.
However, some units may not be able to accomidate a 5" retrofitted filter. For units that cannot, Filtraiton Manufacturing offers a 2" version of our Practical Pleat Filters. The 2" Practical Pleat is available in MERV 8 rated filter.
Don’t let the competitors fool you! The Practical Pleat is the only retro-fitting filter that has its’ unique gasket to prevent air bypass. Gaps between the filter and filter frame allow particles to be pulled around the filter, entering the duct system and ultimately, inhabited spaces.
The “Practical Pleat’s” unique patented gasket conforms to imperfections in the filter track, eliminating air by-pass, and preserving the integrity of the MERV 8.
The Practical Pleat is available in a 5" MERV 11 or MERV 14 rating with 14 standard sizes and custom sizes up to 24”x60”.
- Designed to fit into one-inch return air grilles and replace standard 1” filters
- No retrofitting required
- Self sealing gasket eliminates filter bypass, reducing growth of bacteria, mold, and other fungi on the coils
- Self sealing gasket eliminates vibration of filter reducing the amount of particles shed into the ventilation system
- Five times greater surface area than typical standard one-inch extended surface pleats
- Reduces energy consumption up to 86% compared to standard 1” MERV 11 pleats
- Effective lifetime up to six times longer than standard 1” pleats
- Reduces maintenance and extends the effective lifetime of equipment
- Available in standard and non-standard sizes
- Practical Pleats are available for Upflow or Updraft units – please specify when ordering
- Direct shipments available to your customer upon request
- 2" Practical Pleats are sold 4 per case - any orders that do not meet case quantity will be charged ann additional broken case fee
- Maximum size 24”x60”
- Filter is undersized ¼”