Ring Link 12x72 2 Ply - 8/Case

Our Environet Ring Links are ring panels that are formed into a continuous chain to eliminate bypass between panels. Like Environet Ring Panels, Environet Ring Links are constructed from two layers of 100% synthetic polyester media thermally sealed around a 0.148” galvanized wire. A support wire and radial bonds in the center of each panel keep the media from sagging and fluttering to prevent dust migration. A one inch overlap of media around the support wire ensures a positive seal and no dust bypass. Each layer of media has multiple fiber deniers (fiber diameter) which graduate from course to fine for maximum dust loading and efficiency. A latex resin dry tackifier is added on the downstream side as added dust migrations prevention.
Ring Panels and Links are available in 2 Ply, 3 Ply, and MERV 8 medias.
2 Ply Media:
Air entering layers is 1" thick poly, air exit layer is ½” needled small denier poly. These panels are typically used for air in HVAC dust capture applications for higher indoor air quality.